Index of avatar the last airbender
Index of avatar the last airbender

index of avatar the last airbender

The bending attack bonus and save DC are calculated as follows: Some of the Bending features require you to make a ranged spell attack to hit your target or your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature’s effect. You must spend at least 30 minutes of the rest meditating to regain your chi points. When you spend a chi point, it is unavailable until you finish a short or long rest, at the end of which you draw all of your expended chi back into yourself. You learn more Bending features as you level up. You start knowing three such features: Fiery Blows, Rumble, Water Run and Move Like the Wind. You can use chi points to fuel various Bending features. Your Bender level determines the number of points you have, as shown in the Chi Points column of the Avatar table. The amount of energy that you have is measured by your number of chi points. Seismic Senses Upgrade,Electric Redirectionsīeginning at 1st level, while you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier.Īt 1st level, you know the following four cantrips: control flames, gust, mold earth, and shape water.Īt 2nd level, you can start using more advanced Bending techniques. If you are using starting wealth, you have 4d4x10 gp in funds.( a) a dungeoneer's pack or ( b) an explorer's pack.You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: Skills: Choose Four from Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Survival, History, Nature, Religion, and Stealth Saving Throws: Constitution, (a) Strength(b) Charisma(c) Wisdom(d) Intelligence Weapons: Simple weapons, bludgeoning Martial weapons Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Avatar level after 1st Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier Second, choose any background seeing as the Avatar can be anyone.Īs a Avatar you gain the following class features. First, Constitution should be your highest ability score, followed by whichever element you choose to start with. Strength for Earthbenders, Charisma for Firebenders, Wisdom for Airbenders and Intelligence for Waterbenders. Depending on which is your birth element. You can make a Avatar quickly by following these suggestions.

index of avatar the last airbender

As the only physical being with the ability to bend all four elements, it is considered the Avatar's duty to master the four bending arts and use that power to keep balance among the four nations of the world, as well as between mankind and spirits. The Avatar, formed initially when Wan permanently fused with Raava during the Harmonic Convergence of 9,829 BG, is the human embodiment of light and peace through the connection with the Avatar Spirit. They can control these elements and make many uses of them. The Avatar is a master of the four elements water, earth, fire, and air. They sprint away, having never seen power over the elements like this before. Fire appears in the palm of his hand and he expels it at his enemies. They launch their weapons at him, but they are quickly knocked away by a gust of wind. He takes a more solid stance, and the earth beneath them starts to shift and rise. By a simple flick of the wrists, the human weaves a twirl of water around his enemies.

Index of avatar the last airbender